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The Irish Music Industry Podcast

Mar 25, 2019

For more than 20 years Rónán Ó'Snodaigh has been the front-man with Kila. During that time they've released 20 albums, recorded award nominated soundtrack work, have toured Asia, Australia, America and Europe. Ronán himself has five solo albums and at least two books under his belt. In this episode Rónán talks about avoiding the business side of music and about the rigours of keeping the show on the road. 

Bettine McMahon is one of the founders of Knockanstockan festival. As the festival has grown, so has her experience and she’s branched out into band management, promotion and has gone on to study event management at third level. She also works as Creative Production Manager for events company Event Fuel. Bettine discusses her work and how she found her way in to it.